Sunday, July 20, 2008

Crazy Summer!, Part 2

Sams sports the bling as the boys of summer pull out the Zubaz of yesteryear.

"Look at my muscles Daddy!"

Sam's impression of E.T.

Grace and Sam take in the wildlife in the front yard.

I convinced Grace this would be fun. By the look on her face it was not. Sam holds on for dear life as mom blissfully tans her toes.

Honey I shrunk the family!

Pool time–AGAIN!

Now Sam on the other hand loved this!

Baby Nate? Nope. Baby Caden. He didn't like it so much.

Proud cousins, Kylie and Caden.


The backyard pool is the next best thing.

Very Norman Rockwell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great photos, guys! The kiddos are getting so big and baby Nate is adorable :0) Kaite, how did you loose the baby wieght sooooooooooooo fast? You look great! I loved the photos of the kids in the yard, so I could see it all... the old places we used to hang out... the yards :0) (snif-snif-wipe) Miss ya lots, still praying about Oct. ~ The Crutchfield's