Friday, March 28, 2008

Denver Children's Museum

Our day at the Denver Children's museum was awesome. We all piled into the minivan on a warm Friday morning. Katie and I had great conversation as the kids watched Nemo. It was sunny and warm but a little breezy. The museum was a bit busy as it was a school day so there were kids everywhere. We even listened to a "professional story teller" read three books. Interesting. Kind of freaky. This guy was odd but very animated. We had a great time overall and think it would be a great annual tradition.

Dr. Sam on duty. According to him I am already dead...couldn't find a pulse...on my foot.

Fire Chief Grace is on the way! Sam was  a bit freaked out by the whole dress-up thing.

Help! I'm stuck in this net thingy!

Grace just hangin' out

Sam tests out the playground equipment. It passed.

Now what a funky cow. Outside the front of the Children's Museum in Denver.

Squirrel Grace in her nest. What a nut!

Squirrel daddy with lil' chitlins.

Grace serves it up fresh. She had a blast in this mini grocery store. She took turns pushing a cart and collecting food. Serving food to daddy from behind the counter, ringing up food and scanning it and just having a blast.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Thanks God for a Great Day

I love taking pics at sunset when the light is just right and the kids are in a good mood. Thank you Lord for two wonderful, cute, healthy kids that love each other and live life to its fullest!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Record high of 73 last week

I decided with warm weather forecasted for Saturday and Katie out of town overnight to take the kids to the hills. My brother Dave brought his daughter Kylie and my buddy Justin brought his three kids, Charley, Dillan, and Caleb and we headed to my favorite park in town—Red Rocks Canyon. This is my home away from home when I need some bonding time with God's nature and my other passion...the rocks. It's been the site of many adventures in the vertical landscape with my best climbing buddies Ramsey, Justin, Eric and my brother Dave. So it was an obvious location to take the kids.

Sam and Grace with Pikes Peak in background

Luckily, Katie was smart enough to pack some sunscreen for us and I was smart enough to apply it. Otherwise I would have been deadmeat.

Chuckin' rocks at the lake

It was a great day. We gave the kids a long leash and it raised a few eyebrows from onlookers to see 2-5 year-olds climbing on steep rock, seemingly with no adult supervision. Ahhh...the way of the father. Experience is the greatest teacher. But no bumps or bruises to report from this trip. A good time was had by all as witnessed by these pics.

Strolling up a narrow gully (100 foot cliffs on right side, don't tell mom!)

L to R—Caleb, Sam, Charley, Grace, Kylie, Dillan

Grace is testing the rock for "grip"!

Just hangin' out!

Dude...chillin' buuuudy!

Everybody climb everything!!!!

Why don't you ever see boys doing this?

The moms would never let us get this close to the lake!

And as for wildlife, we saw all the usual suspects...squirrels, birds, ducks. But the showstopper for the kids was the floating fish. Of course I told them it was just sleeping to which Charley Rogers burst out, "No, it's dead!" Now how do you explain that to a 2-year-old? You guessed it. Fish heaven.